Today I watched, as I often do ballet videos on youtube. Anaheim ballet had to videos that truly inspired me. One with Maria Kochetkova and one with Misty Copeland. Maria Kochetkova said "Ballet isn't a modeling business", and this I think is so beautiful. You don't need to be the perfect height, with long limbs, arched feet, no hips and boobs. No! You just need the will and the passion! Everybody can be perfect in their own way. Everybody can dance. The only things you need, is a body and a willing to work and love it. If people tell you, you are to short, push past it. If people tell you, you are to big, push past it. Prove them wrong. Show them you can do it.
Etudes is one of my all time favorite ballets. It's made by Harald Lander, a dane (like me). I have seen the Royal Danish Ballet perform it so very many times. I also saw it in Russia, some years ago, but I really thought the danes were the best maybe it's just because I'm danish, but I think seeing the people dance something, who have learned it from the original dancers is the best. It's like seeing a Balanchine ballet danced by New York City Ballet's dancers.
I am so sorry I havn't posted much these past couples of weeks. I have been very busy with end-of.year performance, final exams and then I have been ill. Sometimes I think it is hard to do all the things you have to and want to, when you not only just have school, like many of my friends, who think it is hard just getting past that, I also have ballet many hours a week, but I love it, and it drives and motivates me to do my best at everything, even though it is hard sometimes. Here at home we are also renovating the top 2 floors of our house, so we are living in a pile of dust, with constructionworkers, tools and what not.... Looking forwards to when it's done, and school is out!